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Install Management Tool

Install initial packages

Asterisell is managed using Git and Fabricate DevOps tool.
Execute as root/su user:
yum install -y epel-release
yum update -y
yum groupinstall -y development 
yum install -y sudo git openssl-devel fabric

Create administration user

Asterisell must be managed by a non-root user. Here we will create asterisell user, but every other user is fine.
useradd -m -G wheel asterisell

# Associate a key to the user 
# WARNING: only in case it is not alread done
su asterisell
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

Download Asterisell

Using the asterisell user download Asterisell using git.
git clone --depth 1
mv asterisell-v5 asterisell-admin
Asterisell uses Git\_(software) also for upgrading, because:
  • only the incremental changes are transferred
  • private customizations and configurations can be merged with default application upgrades, using common Git techniques

Install needed packages using Fabricate DevOps tool

Fabricate tool will install all needed packages and a complete Haskell compilation environment, for compiling the rating engine. This will requires a lot of time the first time.
cd asterisell-admin

# for a list of available commands
fab help

# for initializating the management server with the required packages
fab init