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Emergency email

Errors can be also signaled by email, and sent to all administrators with one or more of these roles:

  • Notified for warning errors
  • Notified for errors
  • Notified for critical errors
Critical errors are fired in case of:
  • high call costs surpassing the limit of an account of more than two time the configured limit (otherwise it is considered a warning)
  • there are too much calls not rated
  • there is a critical erorr, avoiding the processing of CDRs
  • and so on
Asterisell tries to reduce the number of emails notifications, signaling you only when a certain type of error doubled is appareance respect the past signaled email. In any case there can be false allarms, and some noisy.
You can define another administrator account, with a distinct email, and with only this role Notified for critical errors. In this way you can be sure that the email is sent only in case of very important problems, and it acts like an emergency email. It can be linked to a pager.