Posted on Fri 24 March 2017 in new release
Improvements in Invoices and Report Sets:
- invoices can use a PDF document as main template
- more flexibility in the specification of invoice payment terms, and notes
- invoices can contain the list of DIDS/Extensions
- invoices are generated summing details lines already rounded to decimal places, so they are correct from a fiscal point of view. On the contrary in previous versions the totals were calculated rounding the totals of all calls, and so there could be minor differences in last decimal digits
- support for customer IBAN, BIC, SEPA fields
- invoices below a minimal income, can not be generated and postponed to next billing cycle
- accountant and administrators can receive a CSV report with all the details about generated invoices, for managing the invoicing process using external tools
- added a CSV call detail reports that can be sent to customers, instead of the PDF report
Rating Engine:
- DIDS/Extensions can be derived and expanded by base generic DIDS/Extensions
- more robust and error-prone code, for importing the CSV files
Customers can be classified using multiple tags:
- payment terms on invoices can be generated according customer tags
- reports can be generated and sent only to customers with specific tags
- the application can advise if some customer are not classified correctly
Various bug fixes and improvements.
This version is used in production, but it is marked as beta because there are various changed things, that can cause minor problems.
It will became stable within few weeks, when it will be installed on more instances.